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Data Reports

Do more with the data you already have. Let it do the work for you, and give you insights into your health.

Fill the Gaps

Do you know what days you are most likely to experience cramps or spotting? Do you know if caffeine makes your period lighter, or if that extra sugar made your PMS worse? Data analysis can tell you.

Use What You Have

You're already charting your cycles. Why not do more with the data you have? There's no extra work for you, but you'll be able to see patterns in your cycles at the click of a button, without having to view every cycle.

Custom to You

One size does NOT always fit all, neither should your cycle tracking. Want to see three months all at once? Don't track your temp? You got it! Your report will be made for you, just the way you like it.



Three Cycle Report


A one-time dashboard utilizing three cycles of data. This option will show your recent trends and a full review by a fertility doula.

Monthly Reports

$50.00 per month

On-going monthly reports as your chart data comes in. Simply upload your chart and your report will be updated for your review.

Annual Report


A one-time dashboard utilizing twelve cycles of data. Provide at least 12 charts for a comprehensive report of your annual insights.

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