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About Me

Sarah Maslen

Fertility Doula + Data Analyst

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I am intensely passionate about fertility and women's sovereignty. 


Before I was Sarai Fertility,  I was where many of you are: I was Sarah, on a journey that began from a frustrated, desperate place.


I have been an outspoken advocate for women's rights throughout my life and career. I believe in freedom of choice, the right to life and dignity, and the end of sex-based discrimination of women. My role in business and in life is to support women in making informed decisions. I firmly believe that the key to freedom and dignity is through the path of radical personal responsibility.


I have been in many of your shoes. I was dismissed by doctors, jumped through hoops navigating resources and struggled to find care in the modern healthcare model. My symptoms were exhausting, but I didn't want to give up. I wanted to be able to conceive naturally, but didn't know what to do. I wasn't ready for drugs or procedures, but I wasn't willing to do nothing...  It was clear there was a huge gap in the healthcare system for women like me.


After years of research, trial and error, and life-changing results in natural methods, I decided to pursue my passion for women's health and certify as a Holistic and Fertility Doula.  Sarai Fertility exists to attempt to bridge the gaps in women's health services by integrating wise woman practices, ancestral traditions, and natural alternatives with evidence-based and data-supported approaches.


In addition to my Sociology degree, I developed a career specializing in healthcare data analysis in Ontario, Canada. I am also a qualified Fertility Awareness Method teacher with FEMM. My experience in health informatics, doula training and personal experience provide me a unique perspective to provide accurate, no nonsense, woman-centered service.


I'm so happy to have you here and to walk beside you, sister friend!

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