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Why This Care Matters

For most of history, women would gather and share through oral tradition rites of passage and education of the life-death-life cycle. This is where we learned about our bodies, herbal medicines, caring for children, and transitioning from phase to phase. The word "doula" means "woman who serves". 


Since then, our lifestyles have drastically changed. Women are separated from one another, and in turn, from traditions and knowledge. In private homes of our own, separated from our mothers and sisters, we are left to navigate new chapters of our lives often without compass or guidance of wise women before us. Many of our own mothers grew up this same way, creating a cycle where women rely on external sources for support and information. Elizabeth Davis and Carol Leonard coined the passages and transformation across these phases as "The Women's Wheel of Life".


Traditional methods of knowing have been lost to many. Medical systems have replaced medicine cupboards, and healing touch has been replaced by prescribing. We have drifted far away from the days of owning our own reproductive power. Many women face dismissive doctors, and difficulty achieving their personal health goals in a system designed to exclude them. It is my belief this knowledge belongs to all women as a birthright, and that is why all of my services include permanent access to the resources and content I provide. My services fill the gap between existing healthcare providers, pointing clients towards appropriate resources that help achieve their personal goals.


  • education in sociology with a focus on women's health

  • understanding of social systems

  • electives in women's studies

  • volunteering with homeless and vulnerable women in London, Ontario

  • advocacy and support for women's rights groups


Fertility services are not only about pregnancy (avoiding or achieving), although that is one of the common services women look for. As a lifelong advocate for women's health and autonomy, I also understand the importance of evidence based and accessible care. My education in sociology and my experience as a data analyst inform my data-driven approach, while keeping emphasis on natural, holistic solutions for every client.

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